Distance meters

Distance (or farness) is a numerical description of how far apart objects are. In physics or everyday discussion, distance may refer to a physical length, or an estimation based on other criteria (e.g. "two counties over"). In mathematics, a distance function or metric is a generalization of the concept of physical distance. A metric is a function that behaves according to a specific set of rules, and is a concrete way of describing what it means for elements of some space to be "close to" or "far away from" each other. In most cases, "distance from A to B" is interchangeable with "distance between B and A".

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Large room? No right angles? Skewed walls? Many details? Difficult to reach? No cause to worry: The Leica 3D Disto measures everything you need. Ladder? Mobile access platform? You can leave them back at base. No tripod on hand? Makes no difference – simply place the 3D Disto on a table or the floor. Levelling up? Not necessary. Photographs for the records? No problem, the in-built camera provides the pictures. New software version 2.0 with improved functionality available from October 2012 onwards!

We have evolved from the stooping position, so why use a measuring tool with a distance display down by the wheel? Get fast, accurate measurements for on-site Linear, Area and Volume estimates. Built-in functions automatically calculate and store Square Footage, Volume and more for up to nine different areas. Works in and converts in all U.S. and Metric units. Weighs just 3 lbs. – includes convenient kickstand, wrist strap and easy-to-understand User's Guide. It helps you solve: Calculate and store Linear and Area measurements. Roll and label the "Length" and "Width" to find Area, or store and recall later. Stores multiple units of measurement. Works in and converts between Feet-Inches, Decimal Feet, Decimal Inches, Yards and Acres. Built-in user Memory for accumulating counts of measurements. For:Contractors, Estimators, Engineers, Landscapers, Paving Contractors, Fencing Specialists, Real Estate Pros, Utility Personnel, Surveyors, Police Work, Facility Engineers, Telecommunications Contractors Calculates and stores Linear distances, square Area, and cubic Volume measurements. Roll and label the "Length" and "Width" to find an Area or store and recall...

Advanced Linear Digital Plan Measure   The recently updated Scale Master® Pro XE makes it easy to do Linear, Area and Volume takeoffs with speed, accuracy and confidence when estimating, bidding or planning. The new ergonomic design makes it comfortable to hold, and the dual LCD displays make it much easier to read. Use it on plans, blueprints and maps as well as out of scale drawings. It has 91 built-in Scales; 50 Imperial (Feet-Inch) units and 41 Metric, (including ten custom scales for out-of-scale drawings) for maximum versatility with architectural, engineering and civil scales. The PC Interface (cable sold separately) lets you transfer rolled values from the Scale Master® Pro XE directly into commonly used spreadsheets or estimating programs, saving countless keystrokes, saving time and reducing the potential for costly transcribing errors. It helps you: Complete takeoffs with speed and accuracy Reduce errors in estimates and bids Improve productivity and maximize profitability Create permanent record of dimensions and values Interfaces with PC spreadsheets or estimating programs For: Contractors, Estimators, Engineers, Landscapers, Pipeline Builders,...

GrgoWheel        PRE001-PEM50    Wheel Diameter     6 " (158.9mm)                    -Material     ABS Plastic/Friction Resistant PU Tyre Leather    Handle     -Zeroing     Yes                    -Turnable     Yes    Display     -Zeroing     Yes                    -Smallest distance     10cm                    -Biggest distance     999.99m     Extracted     1026 mm     Contracted     435 mm     Storage...

Advanced Linear Digital Plan Measure The recently updated Scale Master® Pro XE makes it easy to do Linear, Area and Volume takeoffs with speed, accuracy and confidence when estimating, bidding or planning. Use it on plans, blueprints and maps as well as out of scale drawings. It has 91 built-in Scales; 50 Imperial (Feet-Inch) units and 41 Metric, (including ten custom scales for out-of-scale drawings) for maximum versatility with architectural, engineering and civil scales. The included PC Interface cable lets you transfer rolled values from the Scale Master® Pro XE directly into commonly used spreadsheets or estimating programs, saving countless keystrokes, saving time and reducing the potential for costly transcribing errors. It helps you: Complete takeoffs with speed and accuracy Reduce errors in estimates and bids Improve productivity and maximize profitability Create permanent record of dimensions and values Interfaces with PC spreadsheets or estimating programs For: Contractors, Estimators, Engineers, Landscapers, Pipeline Builders, Excavators, Concrete Contractors, Electrical Contractors, Plumbers, HVAC, Fencing Specialists, Telecommunications, Cable System...

GrgoWheel        PRE002-PEM100    Wheel Diameter     12 " (319.7mm)                    -Material     ABS Plastic/Friction Resistant PU Tyre Leather    Handle     -Zeroing     Yes                    -Turnable     Yes    Display     -Zeroing     Yes                    -Smallest distance     10cm                    -Biggest distance     999.99m     Extracted     1026 mm     Contracted     435 mm     Storage...